Local Geocacher hides trackable codes on Livingston Putnam County (LPC) vehicles.

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Local Geocacher hides trackable codes on Livingston Putnam County (LPC) vehicles.

Central Illinois geocacher Lee Katz (Varofharken) has found a fun way to combine his favorite hobby (geocaching) with his job at LPC Motors. Mr. Katz is the founder and creator of the Hidden History geocaches based out of Peoria Illinois. Lee works on the VIN attachment line at LPC motors in Streator Illinois, and one day a lightbulb went off and he thought to himself, "I have a great idea to combine geocaching with my job at LPC!". He approached upper management about his idea of hiding geocaching trackable codes within the VIN numbers attached to all the LPC vehicles that come down his line. Willy G Wolf, who to Lee's surprise is ALSO an avid geocacher, instantly approved the idea.
Mr. Katz has been keeping it under wraps until they reached 1,000 vehicles tagged. He said the official start date for tracking these codes starts on April 1st 2024.
So how does this work, you ask? How does one know if an LPC vehicle is tagged or not? This is where Lee chuckled with glee and stated "There's no way to know!! That's the beauty of geocaching. The thrill of the hunt is what it's all about. You will just have to follow an LPC driver to their destination and wait for them to park and get out to find if their VIN is trackable!" Followed by more chuckles. He did offer this bit of advice though. "Wal-Mart parking lots are the best places to lie in wait. Then you pounce."
LPC CFO R. Oad Rager, stated that the geocacher with the most trackable codes collected after one year will win a new LPC vehicle. Rager went on to say "Lee is such a valued employee and we're very pleased here at LPC that he has found a way to give back to the geocaching community."
One last thing Mr. Katz stated with a wink, before driving off in his Subaru Outback was this: "It will be as easy as finding a nano in the woods"

This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.

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